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2024-07-14 22:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

表示等的英语单词有wait for,await,and so on和etc等。例句:He stopped to wait for a break in the traffic.他停下来等车流间歇时穿马路。

for 英 [weɪt fɔː] 美 [weɪt fɔr]  等候;等待;等到


They stopped to wait for one of the children who was lagging behind. 他们停下来等落在后面的孩子。

How long must I bide here to wait for the answer? 我必须在这里待多久才能等到答复?

He stopped to wait for a break in the traffic. 他停下来等车流间歇时穿马路。

Anti-personnel mines lie in wait for their unsuspecting victims. 杀伤性地雷正在等待无戒备之心的受害者。

We had to wait for our connection to Frankfurt. 我们不得不等候去法兰克福的联运火车。

英 [əˈweɪt] 美 [əˈweɪt] v.等待;等着


await word 等待消息

await reply 等待回复

await opportunity 等待机会

await arrival 等待到来

await answer 等待答复


It is my considered opinion that we should await further developments. 经过考虑,我认为我们应该等待事态进一步的发展。

They have delayed the launch to await project approvals. 他们已推迟发射,以等待项目批准。

I have made a truthful statement of my case and I respectfully await your judicious judgement. 具实陈情,敬希亮察。

These questions await more careful observation and study. 这些问题有待观察研究。

We await the proposals with impatience. 我们焦急地等待着提案。

so on 英 [ənd səʊ ɒn] 美 [ænd soʊ ɑn] 等等


The more sophisticated Mac furniture—number wheels, colour pickers, and so on. 更先进的麦金托什机装置——号码轮,色彩采集器等等。

Nonacademic reasons include facilities and services, student finds recreation, commodation, and so on. 非学术原因包括设施和服务、学生基金、娱乐休闲及住宿等。

All patients decreased or eliminated the symptom of eye fatigue and so on. 所有病人消除和减轻了视疲劳等症状。

As liquid distilled whiskey, will be injected into post-oak and so on Aging. 由于威士忌酒液经蒸馏后,会被注入橡木桶等后醇化。

Learning schedule content step target and so on are included in a plan. 学习方案,内容,步骤,目标等等都要包含在计划里。

英 ['etk] 美 ['etk] adv.等等;诸如此类 abbr.等等(etcetera的缩写)


Street sellers of newspapers, flowers, etc. 在街上卖报纸、卖花等东西的人们。

There are many painting techniques such as oil painting, watercolour, charcoal, Chinese ink painting, etc. 绘画技法有多种,例如油画、水彩画、碳素画、中国的水墨画等。

The bookshelf is filled with all sorts of books, magazines, etc. 书啊,杂志啊,摆满了书架。






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